Delhi Public School Tapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society, New Delhi (CBSE Affiln. No. 430135)

Bright Beginners: First Day at School

The first day of school holds significant importance in a child's life. Delhi Public School Tapi organized "Bright Beginners Day" on 1 April 2024 to instil positivity, comfort and enthusiasm in Nursery and Prep students as they embark on their formal learning journey. The day commenced with engaging in ice-breaking activities, fostering interaction among students and their teachers. Students joyfully recited rhymes and participated in circle time games such as passing the ball and introducing themselves along with their class and school name. Following the regular timetable, students indulged in various co-curricular activities including swimming, gross motor skills development, yoga, art and craft, karate and gymnastics, acquainting them with the school's daily routine. As a memento, students posed for a photograph with a handmade banner bearing the inscription "My First Day at School," which they took home as a token of affection.

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